Facebook has deleted my account.
My business and personal profiles have been deleted by Facebook. There has been no credible reason explained, but as a result you will be unable to communicate with Massasje Spesialisten or Nomedal Design through that platform.
Removal of 120 minute massage option.
I have decided to remove the 2 hour massage from my massage offerings. Very few people actually use the 2 hour massage, and I feel a 90 minute massage is probably the best long massage option overall. If you have a gift certificate for a 120 minute massage, don’t worry because it is still valid, […]
Why Do We Get Trigger Points?
Why do we get Trigger Points (Myofascial Restrictions) Myofascial restrictions can significantly impact our daily lives, causing pain and limiting mobility. But what exactly causes these restrictions? Let’s dive into the top factors that contribute to this common issue. 1. Injuries and Trauma Physical injuries, whether from accidents, sports, or falls, can lead to scar […]
What to expect when you come for a massage.
What to expect when you come for a massage I thought I would write a little bit about how I conduct my massage appointments so that everyone can know what to expect when you come through my door.
How Does Compression Work In Massage?
Compression on muscles can help release trigger points and relieve general tightness through several mechanisms: Increased Blood Flow: Compression applied to muscles helps improve blood circulation in the area. This increased blood flow brings essential oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, promoting their relaxation and healing. It also helps remove waste products, such as lactic […]
Some Information About Fascia
Fascia – What is it? Fascia is an incredibly important but often overlooked part of our bodies. It’s a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds and supports our muscles, bones, and organs, and it plays a crucial role in the way our bodies move and function.
What are Trigger Points?
What are Trigger Points? Trigger points are hyperirritable areas in the muscles or surrounding connective tissues that can cause pain, discomfort, and dysfunction.
The relationship of stress to muscle fatigue
Stress and muscle fatigue are closely related. Stress, whether it’s physical or mental, can lead to muscle fatigue, while muscle fatigue can also cause stress on the body.
Prevent Shoulder Tension At Work
If you spend long hours working at a desk, you might be familiar with the discomfort and pain that can come with it, including shoulder tension.
The Importance of Stretching (back of lower leg)
There are two muscles that make up the muscle group in the lower leg.
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Hvordan Ta Vare På Brystet Selv
Siden dette er en type massasje jeg ikke utfører tenkte jeg at det kunne være interessant for noen av mine klienter.
New Custom Massage Oils
Would you like to try a custom oil with your massage? I have been working for the last few weeks to come up with some special oils for my massage created to match the lifestyle of the person I am giving a massage to.
Nummenhet i fingrene?
The Quadrangular space is a name termed for the shape of the opening created by the crossing of the Teres Major and Minor muscles,
Kompartmentsyndrom i underbenet.
Kompartmentsyndrom er en potensiell årsak til smerter i underbenet. Idrettsutøvere og spesielt løpende idrettsutøvere opplever ofte smerter i underbenet.
Massasje Spesialisten Oppdatering
Massasje Spesialisten Oppdatering Hello everyone. I wanted to take a moment to talk about Massage Spesialisten and my thoughts on massage, and especially myofascial release massage.
There are four compartments in the calf.
Gavekort er Tilgjengelig
Husk at hvis du kjøper to gavekort, får du et tredje kort gratis.
Myofascial involvering i kronisk smerte beskrevet.
Mysteriet med kronisk smerte. Nedenfor er en video fra Dana Sterling som er grunnleggeren av Sterling Structural Therapy. Dana gir det jeg synes er den beste beskrivelsen av hvordan fascia kan påvirke kroppen og hvorfor det kan være veldig gunstig å jobbe med den for å få bedre bevegelighet og smertedemping. Dette er en veldig […]
Jojoba Olje
Når det er mulig, bruker jeg alltid jojobaolje til massasjeklientene mine.